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Dear Parents and Carers,


 From now until the end of term, we will be focusing our activities on Christmas Time and following the interests of the children and their play. We will be planning for our individual key child, considering any areas of the Foundation Stage that we feel might need a little extra input. We will also be carrying out snippet observations and completing the children’s progress trackers.

 If at any time you would like to discuss your child’s progress, please phone the Explorers number to arrange this with your child’s key person.



With the Covid-19 restrictions we are sad to say that we will not be able to hold our Nativity this year or have our trip to see Father Christmas at Castle Garden Centre.

 We are however, going to attempt to film the children singing Christmas songs to put onto Tapestry for you to see. Again, due to Government guidance regarding Covid-19 we are unable to sing in a large group inside unless the children are 2 metres apart so with that in mind we will be singing outside which we are used to now. Fingers crossed for good weather.


This year the committee have agreed to fund Christmas Presents for all children and they will receive them during the last week of term. We will also be having “Party Food” for snack time and playing party games outside, again weather permitting during the last week of term.


Christmas Cards

Unfortunately, again due to Covid-19 we are sadly not allowing children or staff to send Christmas cards this year.


Christmas Jumper Week

We will be taking part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper fundraising event. We would ask for the children to wear their Christmas Jumper’s during the week from 7th -11th December and are asking for a donation of £1.00 towards this worthy cause.


Winter Clothes

Please can you ensure that your child has a warm coat, hat and gloves to wear for outside play now that the weather is turning colder. With Covid-19 the playroom has to be ventilated in all weathers and so the garden door and windows are open all the time. Please can you ensure that your child has warm clothes to wear whilst indoors too. Thank you.


Extra Sessions

Please can you let me know as soon as possible if you would like to increase or extend your child’s sessions after Christmas. Thank you.


Next term the maximum number of weeks we can claim the entitlement/funding for is 11 weeks. We are open for 12 weeks which means that for some children there will be top up hours to pay. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.



I have attached a Uniform order form for anyone who is interested in buying some for their child. Please could you email the form or get in touch with Hannah Squires            (Secretary) on

Term Dates

We break up for the Christmas holidays on Friday 18th December and return on Tuesday 5th January 2021.


Yours Sincerely,



Anna Swinburn.

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