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Dear Parents and Carers,

                                        Welcome back. The children have done really well settling into Explorers especially those children who haven’t attended for the past 6 months. Our new children have also done fantastically well settling in and are now part of our Explorers Family. We are getting used to our new routines, especially extra handwashing.


For the next four weeks our planning for the Prime Areas of learning are:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Making Relationships

Communication and Language: Listening and Attention

Physical Development- Moving and Handling


The specific Areas are:

Literacy- Reading

Mathematics- Numbers

Understanding the World- Technology

Expressive Arts and Design- Exploring and Using Media and Materials.


We will be basing our activities around the interests of the children and following their play. The learning plan for each key group will be put onto Tapestry by your child’s key worker. Please take a look and if you have any questions, please feel free to email them or message via Tapestry.

 If you have not yet logged onto Tapestry, please check your email’s including your junk/spam as you would have been sent a link so that you can set up your account and password. If you have forgotten your password, you can use your email to reset it.



We have noticed that we have some cases of nits at Explorers. Please can you regularly check your child’s hair and treat as necessary. This include treating the whole family. I have included the link to the NHS website:

Please take a look and have a good read.


Water Bottles

I would like to remind parents and carers that your child/ren should come to Explorers with a water bottle with water in it, not juice, for the time that they are with us. Juice is only for lunchtime. This means that if your child stays for lunch, they should have 2 water bottles, one for the day with water and one for lunch with juice if desired. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


Spare clothes/Bags/Coats/Welly Boots

Thank you very much for making sure that your child has plenty of spare clothes and the other items that they need. However, we have a lot of children who have the same bags, welly boots, coats etc so please can you ensure that you name everything as this make life easier for us all and ensures that nothing is lost or put into the wrong bag.


Message from The Admissions Team

Parents and carers of children due to start school in September 2021 can apply using the on-line application form. The Admissions & Entitlements Team would be grateful for your help in raising awareness by reminding parents to apply. This is very helpful, as unfortunately we no longer send letters to parent/carer's home addresses. The deadline is 15 January 2021 and with the increasing demand for school places it is more important than ever that parents make an on-time application.

Parents can apply by visiting or by contacting Somerset Direct on 0300 123 2224 if a paper application form is required.

This can be done now.


Local Lockdown

Below is the link to the Local Lockdown guidance if you wish to read it.

Term Dates

We break up for half term on Friday 23rd October and return on Monday 2nd November 2020.


Yours Sincerely,


Anna Swinburn.

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